Vatican Post Office Celebrates the Protestant Revolution

After the statue of the heretic Luther was honored in the Vatican itself to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the promulgation of the 95 Lutheran theses, the Vatican Post Office published on October 31, 2017 a new stamp in honor of the Protestant Reformation.
From La Porte Latine, website of the SSPX District of France.
In the foreground we see Christ on the cross which stands out from the golden background on which is represented the city of Wittenberg. Kneeling respectively to the right and to the left of the cross, Martin Luther supports the Bible, source of his doctrine, while Philip Melanchthon, theologian and friend of Luther, and one of the most important protagonists of the Protestant Reformation, holds in his hand the Confession of Augsburg, the first official exhibition of the principles of Protestantism.
Luther, the enemy of the grace of Jesus Christ, one of the greatest heresiarchs of all time, responsible, with Arius, for the loss of innumerable souls, is honored by a "conciliar Church" at the head of which Pope Francis derives more and more clearly towards a crushing apostasy.
It is a long time ago when the young Fr. Bergoglio, then a simple priest in 1985, gave a lecture in Mendoza, Argentina, specifically on the fierce struggle between the Society of Jesus and Protestants five centuries ago.
It would seem for the successor of St. Peter that it is no longer a question of sending Luther to the stake, but to bring him soon on the altars. For Pope Francis, the path to the rehabilitation of Luther is all "Bergoglian": the primacy is given to gestures, accolades, charitable acts accomplished in common. Doctrinal objections, even when they are profound, he leaves them to the discussions of theologians, whom he would willingly confine "on a desert island", as he likes to say half joking.

1988-2018: 30th anniversary of the SSPX episcopal consecrations - Operation Survival of the Catholic Tradition
As for us, we repeat with force: the adulterous relations with the worst enemies of the Catholic Church are more and more odious and are part of a revolutionary spirit that contributes to dragging souls to hell under cover of a false and mortal "fraternity" with the devil.
This devastating spirit leads to the penetration of all Protestant principles into the Church to transform it from within.
Against this, as formerly the priests sounded the trumpet before Jericho, it is the Catholic priesthood that must be made to speak out and stand on the frontline, together with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is God, in his Providence, that has worked "operation survival of Tradition" by the work of restoration of the priesthood through Archbishop Lefebvre.
Let us always be faithful to the refusal of the founder of the SSPX "of the Rome of neo-modernist and neo-Protestant tendency, which manifested itself clearly in the Second Vatican Council and after the Council in all the reforms that resulted from it.":
"We adhere wholeheartedly, with all our soul, to Catholic Rome, guardian of the Catholic faith and the traditions necessary to maintain this faith, to eternal Rome, mistress of wisdom and truth. refused to follow the Rome of neo-modernist and neo-Protestant tendency which manifested itself clearly in the Second Vatican Council and after the Council in all the reforms that resulted from it (...). " (Archbishop Lefebvre, Declaration of November 21, 1974)
Source: La Porte Latine/ - 11/11/17