Be active at ICC!

The faithful at ICC take part in many apostolic works for the good of souls.

Parish Service

Children and Youth

Holy Name Society
Men's Association


Archconfraternity of St. Stephen
Servers' Guild


Heart of Mary Guild
Women's Association


Eucharistic Crusade
Children's Apostolate


St. John of God Group
Special Needs Children


Children of Mary
Apostolate for  Girls ages 13 - 18


Our Lady of Victory Bookstore           
Religious Goods and Books


Young Adult Group



Third Order

Our Lady

Third Order of SSPX
Lay Branch of the Society          


Militia Immaculatae
Knights of the Immaculata


Third Order of St. Francis
Franciscan Lay Branch


Legion of Mary
Our Lady's Apostolate


Third Order of Carmel
Carmelite Lay Branch





St. Monica’s League
Mother's Prayer Group